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Thursday, March 21, 2013

Things Done and Left Undone

The phrase I've used for today's title popped into my head this morning, but it comes from the Confession of Sins we say every Sunday in our liturgy at The Episcopal Church of the Good

Spring Break is over for us, and the enormity of the "things left undone" in my life is again pressing in on me.  It seems that it is this side of the equation that weighs heaviest as we mature.  As a youth, I would confess my sins "against God and my neighbor" and I would search my heart for wrongs of commission.  In this middle chapter of my life, it's much more about the sins of omission

Speaking of which... I'm including a photo of my most recent UNfinished painting.  I started this 24"x24" canvas last month and was sure that I would get back to finish it within a day or two.  

Now, weeks have passed while the energy and vision for the work have drifted away.  Experience tells me that if I just get myself in front of the easel and begin again, I will be able to find my way back in.  If you struggle with picking back up once the trail has gone cold, please send in your examples of what helps you to get going again.  Thanks!
                                        Meanwhile, Nature has kept to her schedule.  See the before and now photos of the rose bush I blogged about last time:  The growth is amazing!     
In my next post, I'll report on the progress of the landscape work I've been doing at Lake Travis (One of the things I've been doing besides painting and everything else!)  Enjoying this lovely
Texas spring,